5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)

标题: 【求助】 片身小飛機不能滑行? 請幫幫忙 [打印本页]

作者: rodman0215    时间: 2006-5-4 00:01
标题: 【求助】 片身小飛機不能滑行? 請幫幫忙
B)請求幫忙! 為什么我的片身小飛機不能滑行?

如圖:我不知道它能不能很好的滑行…………(從 彰化 的bird of prey 和 c-47 試飛得到知,一定要很好的滑行才好飛!)

如圖:我是用5.0mm 的珍珠版做的,沒有加補強和設備 (空機身只加了一個小硬幣作加重 和 配重心用)


不知道為什么,重心前移0.5-1 cm 飛機就會馬上掉下來(從最好的地方后移0.5-1 cm 飛機就馬上尾鏇!)
重心最好的時候飛機只能飛 2-2.5 m 就又進入尾鏇了 (無風,飛機斜上30-40 度 出手)

我是根據 彰化 的bird of prey 和 c-47 試飛得到到的結論的,他們做的飛機在不開動力時 滑行性很好


PS:这是在rcgroups上有一位朋友给我的回复,我在 第四点建议 上有点不懂,也请各位帮帮忙啦~~!!:em21:

Canard designs can be tricky. Here's some ideas:

1. Angles. Let's say your main wing is at 0 degrees. Your canard needs to be angled positive to that. You want the canard to push the nose up.

2. CG. You still need to "fly" the model on the main wing. The CG on a canard model will be really far aft.

3. Weight. The model needs to have some weight to it to fly. If the wing loading is too light, it'll act strange. Grab a balance scale and make a balast that weighs about as much as your gear. That'll bring the model up to 20 grams or so. Then set the CG.

4. Gliding. I'm going to assume that you have glided models before. You should be throwing it downwards vice upwards。Think about the angle you'd like to see the model glide at when you turn off the motor. Then, adjust the CG and the canard angle till you get that angle on the throw. For most models, look for a 3 to 1 glide angle。If you are 2 meters tall, aim for a point 6 meters in front of you. Give it a good, hard toss too.

Good luck.

Oh, and for inspiration, look for a 3-view of the Beechcraft Starship. Or Chuck Yegar's Ez models.
作者: 50dollar    时间: 2006-5-4 23:55

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