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标题: (雷傲知识堂)PTGUI 常见问题汇集 [打印本页]

作者: zuo而不die    时间: 2016-8-20 20:24
标题: (雷傲知识堂)PTGUI 常见问题汇集
本帖最后由 alden 于 2017-2-7 15:35 编辑


1. 购买PTGUI
1.1. 我的注册码遗失了怎么办?(在http://www.ptgui.com/resendkey.html 输入你的 NH号码,即可找回注册码)
1.2. 我的注册码输入有误怎么办?(使用拷贝-粘贴方法输入。别忘了与用户名同时使用)
1.3. 我买了PTGui or PTGui Pro 但是已超过24小时仍然没有任何回复?(检查一下是否被自动放进垃圾邮件里了)
1.4. 我两年前购买了PTGui license,怎样升级到最新版本? (所有用户可以享受一年免费升级,一年之后需缴纳一个折扣升级费)
1.5. 我原先购买的 license是PTGui的,我可以升级到 PTGui Pro 吗?(可以。需要支付一个差价 http://www.ptgui.com/orderupgrade.html
1.6. PTGui 和 PTGui Pro 的区别是什么?(http://www.ptgui.com/features.html
1.7. 在哪里能找到 PTGui / PTGui Pro 的许可条款?(详见许可条款 license.txt)
1.8. 是否有学生优惠价格? (对个人没有,但对学校有)
1.9. 我可以在我的 PC 机和笔记本电脑上同时安装 PTGUI吗?(可以在本人的三台电脑安装,仅限用户名本人)
1.10. 我想把我的 PC机换成苹果 Mac 电脑,会有问题吗?(没问题。只要使用你的license重新下载一个Mac版本软件即可)
1.11. 我怎样从我的电脑上移除 PTGui license?我可以把我的 license 转移到另一台电脑吗?(可以)
1.12. 我想重装PTGUI但是我没有最新的license,我可以下载过期的旧版本吗?(可以)
1.13. 在购买license之前,我们单位需要一份形式发票 pro-forma invoice,是否能提供(可以)

2. 一般问题:
2.1. PTGui 需要 Photoshop吗?(不需要。PTGUI是独立运行的)
2.2. PTGui 需要 Panorama Tools吗?(不需要。虽然ptgui是panorama tools的界面,但它现在已经成为一个可独立运行的软件)
2.3. PTGui 有没有其它语言的版本?(没有。目前仅有英文版本)
2.4. 我的镜头数据库(lens database)怎么是空的? 这是正常的吗?(是的,这是用来存储你的镜头参数的)
2.5. PTGui 能否自始至终处理 16-bit 图像?(可以。PTGUI PRO甚至可以支持32位浮点图像)
2.6. Can PTGui create virtual tours?
2.7. When I change the image orientation (landscape vs. portrait) or the focal length multiplier, the focal length value changes. Why?
2.8. Sensor sizes: millimeters vs inches?
2.9. When I crop an image (using the Crop Tab in PTGui), the image appears to be enlarged in the Panorama Editor. Why?
2.10. My images were taken with a (e.g.) 28mm lens, but after optimization, PTGui reports it as a 31.5mm lens
2.11. Can I mix images in portrait and landscape orientation in one panorama?
2.12. Can PTGui read RAW/DNG files?
2.13. What does 'Apply Template' do?
2.14. Apply Template does not copy the control points from the template. Why is that?
2.15. Does PTGui support multiple processors?
2.16. What kind of computer hardware do you recommend for use with PTGui?
2.17. PTGui doesn't seem to use all available memory on my computer. Can I force it to use more RAM to speed up the stitching process?
2.18. Does PTGui preserve the EXIF data of my images?
2.19. Can I stitch images from a shift lens with PTGui?
2.20. Does PTGui run on my version of Windows / OS X
2.21. Where does PTGui store its settings?
2.22. PTGui doesn't fully use my computer's processor(s); the CPU load is less than 100% during stitching
2.23. After optimizing, PTGui shows me the average control point distance. What distance should I aim for?
2.24. I have tried the Panorama Tools optimizer and it gives me lower control point distances. Why?
2.25. Is there a 64 bit version of PTGui?
2.26. Why does PTGui Pro close my project and open a new blank project after I press Save and Send to Batch Stitcher?
2.27. PTGui asks me whether I would like to re-initialize the project. What does this mean?
2.28. Can PTGui create those interactive photos where the camera is rotated around the object?
2.29. After stitching a project in the PTGui Pro Batch Stitcher, the project is modified!
2.30. I have edited my RAW / DNG files in Photoshop or another application. Does PTGui recognize my changes when I use the raw files in PTGui?
2.31. What can I do to reduce the stitching time PTGui on my system?
2.32. I have moved or rotated images in the Panorama Editor by hand using the Edit Individual Images mode. But PTGui tells me it needs to optimize the panorama and this undoes my changes. Why?
2.33. Do you have documentation for the PTGui project file format?
2.34. Can PTGui stitch greyscale images?
2.35. There is no popup menu when clicking on Set Optimum Size

3. 故障排除:
3.1. After aligning the images, the preview in the Panorama Editor looks completely garbled
3.2. I am trying to edit the seams of a layered panorama in Photoshop, but I only see the bottom layer with the merged panorama; the other layers are transparent.
3.3. I'm having trouble stitching images taken with the Sigma 10-20mm / Tokina 12-24mm / Nikkor 10-24mm lens
3.4. The panorama created by PTGui is too small, I'm loosing image resolution.
3.5. After optimization, the 'distance' column in the Control Points table is empty for one or more control points
3.6. PTGui crashes upon startup on Mac
3.7. Another application crashes when opening TIFF files generated by PTGui, or it displays garbled images.
3.8. PTGui continuously locks up for a few seconds and then becomes responsive again.
3.9. Drag and drop doesn't work with PTGui on Windows
3.10. I'm having trouble stitching images taken with the Nikon 16mm fisheye lens
3.11. My computer crashes occasionally while PTGui is running
3.12. My images have a different brightness or color when viewed in PTGui
3.13. PTGui shows a message 'PTGui was unable to detect control points for some of the images, therefore you need to add a few control points by hand'. Help! What should I do now?
3.14. PTGui is randomly rotating my images!
3.15. I'm having trouble stitching my panorama. Can you help?
3.16. Norton / Symantec antivirus says there's a virus in the PTGui installer!
3.17. When stitching a very large panorama on a Mac, PTGui aborts with the error message 'Too many open files'
3.18. After editing a 360 degree panorama in Photoshop and importing back into PTGui, I'm seeing a vertical line in the panorama
3.19. I'm getting Out of Memory errors while running PTGui
3.20. When installing on a Mac I get the error "PTGui Pro can't be opened because the identity of the developer cannot be confirmed."
3.21. I'm unable to open a QuickTime VR .mov panorama
3.22. I'm attempting to stitch images taken with multiple cameras but I'm running into stitching errors

4. 进一步改善效果:
4.1. 我的地平线是弯曲的
4.2. 我的全景图原始底片的色彩和亮度不一致
4.3. 我怎样改变全景图的分辨率 (ppi 或者 dpi 数值) ?
4.4. I see misalignments in the stitched panorama. What can I do to improve the result?
4.5. Some control points in my project have a relatively high control point distance. Will the alignment of my panorama improve if I delete all control points with an error above a certain threshold?

5. How to...
5.1. My panorama contains curved lines. How do I get straight lines to remain straight in the panorama?
5.2. How do I use the Horizontal line and Vertical line control points?
5.3. How can I calibrate my lens parameters?
5.4. Does PTgui allow stitching of photos that have the camera in different locations?
5.5. How can I stitch mosaics, like partial scans from a flatbad scanner of a large image?
5.6. My panorama was taken with the camera tilted up or down. Now there's a lot of unnecessary black space above/below the panorama, increasing the size of the output. Can it be cropped away before stitching?
5.7. How can I have better control of the overlap area (i.e. the location of the seams)?
5.8. How can I create a vertical panorama? PTGui rotates my panorama 90 degrees!
5.9. I want to cover the tripod in my (360x180 degree) spherical panorama. How do I add a nadir cap?
5.10. How can I change the default settings for new panoramas?
5.11. How can I stitch extremely large panoramas?
5.12. How can I align a set of images, all taken in the same direction (not a panorama)?
5.13. How can I use exactly the same stitching settings for different sets of images?
5.14. Can I stitch images taken with different lenses or different zoom settings in one project?
5.15. How can I correct a single image for lens distortion?
5.16. How can I show a panorama on my website?
5.17. How can I include a panorama in my Facebook / Twitter timeline?
5.18. How do I level/straighten a panorama using horizontal / vertical line control points?
5.19. How can I correct a single image for vignetting in PTGui Pro?
5.20. How can I retouch the nadir or zenith of a stitched panorama?
5.21. My spherical panorama still has a hole in the top and/or bottom. How do I fill the missing parts to make the panorama truly spherical?
5.22. After running Publish to Website my panorama has black holes at the top and bottom; how do I get rid of these?
5.23. PTGui leaves some blank space around my panorama. How can I crop the panorama so that it fills the canvas entirely?
5.24. I would like to generate panoramas of a certain size, but PTGui has changed the output size after I did Align Images. How can I tell it to keep the panorama size set in the Create Panorama tab?
5.25. How can I defish a fisheye image in PTGui?
5.26. How can I extract a 'flat' image from a spherical panorama?
5.27. I have taken multiple panoramas from the same viewpoint, to create a time lapse movie. How can I ensure that subsequent panoramas are aligned when played back in sequence?
5.28. My project contains one or more images without any recognizable detail and it's impossible to place control points. How can I stitch my panorama?
5.29. How can I view a finished panorama interactively on my computer?
5.30. I would like to send a panorama to a friend/client/... Is it possible to view a panorama interactively without needing to install a plugin first?
5.31. I need to align/overlay an image to an already stitched panorama. How can I do this?
5.32. How can I stitch a PTGui project from the command line?
5.33. Can I use PTGui to arrange pictures into a collage? Can I disable the warping/distorting of images?
5.34. How can I display spherical panoramas on my iPad?
5.35. How can I stitch panoramic video in PTGui?
5.36. Is there a way to stitch many panoramas using the same settings?
5.37. How can I make 'little planet' images in PTGui?
5.38. How can I stitch images from Adobe Lightroom in PTGui? Do you offer a Lightroom plugin?
5.39. Can you tell me how to make 3d (stereoscopic) panoramas in PTGui?

6. PTGui Pro 和 HDR 高动态全景
6.1. What is the best way to take images for HDR stitching in PTGui Pro?
6.2. My images don't contain EXIF exposure information. Can I still use them to stitch HDR panoramas?
6.3. PTGui Pro doesn't recognize my bracketed exposures!
6.4. The stitched HDR panorama looks like it was not blended at all. I'm seeing hard edges between overlapping images.
6.5. So I forgot to switch my camera to M mode; my bracketed images are taken in auto exposure mode. Can I still stitch them to HDR in PTGui Pro?
6.6. Why should I use manual exposure mode? Isn't it much better to use automatic exposure, so that every image is optimally exposed?
6.7. PTGui Pro displays the wrong EV values! My images were taken at -2, 0, +2. This is confirmed by the EXIF data but PTGui shows something else in the Image Parameters tab.
6.8. What's the deal with linked images?
6.9. Should I link my bracketed exposures or not?
6.10. Can I retouch an HDR panorama, e.g. to remove ghost images of moving people?
6.11. I would like to stitch my panorama in PTGui Pro, but use another application (e.g. Photomatix or Photoshop) to create the HDR.
6.12. I've chosen a 16 bit file format for my HDR output and the generated output is very dark. Why?
6.13. The panorama editor only displays the brightest (or darkest) of my bracketed images, which makes it difficult to preview the final result.
6.14. Can I use PTGui Pro for exposure fusing / tone mapping / HDR generation of non-panoramic images?
6.15. Can I extract artificial bracketed images from my (non bracketed) RAW files and have PTGui Pro assemble those into an HDR panorama?
6.16. I have read the previous answer but I still would like to stitch my pseudo bracketed images generated from RAW files!

7. 图形加速器
7.1. PTGUI支持哪一种 GPU?
7.2. 我应该买哪一种显卡?
7.3. PTGui 是否支持多 GPU? (不支持多处理器)
7.4. 我的显卡上带有 2 GB的视频 RAM,我怎么才能知道 PTGui 是否能充分利用到全部显存? (必须在64位系统下运行)



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