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标题: Is this engine any good? [打印本页]

作者: chantaiman51    时间: 2007-8-14 03:15
标题: Is this engine any good?
I am thinking of getting the World Models Zero GS. Manufacturer recommend 1.6 2 stroke glow engine.  BTW, the wingspan for this zero is a little over 2m.

From other message board, some people highly recommend Zenoah G38.

But I saw this engine from taobao, what do you guys think of this? Any comment?


作者: bigcatdairy    时间: 2007-8-14 03:52

作者: 饥骨如柴    时间: 2007-8-14 07:33
我认为如果你在淘宝买这款引擎的话 先决条件是找个信用度高一点的卖家~:em15:
这款引擎是不错的 但是这个卖家就不知道可信度如何了 我看他没有淘宝店铺
所谓拥有店铺的先决条件是有10件以上的物品同时在出售 才可以拥有店铺~
卖家东东还不够10件 会不会是自己用的呢?望三思而后行~:em15:
作者: 海之天    时间: 2007-8-14 07:57
作者: eee31415926    时间: 2007-8-14 07:58
作者: 爱迪生    时间: 2007-8-14 08:27
Sorry,I have no idea:em23:
作者: chantaiman51    时间: 2007-8-14 11:25
原帖由 饥骨如柴 于 2007-8-14 07:33 发表
我认为如果你在淘宝买这款引擎的话 先决条件是找个信用度高一点的卖家~:em15:
这款引擎是不错的 但是这个卖家就不知道可信度如何了 我看他没有淘宝店铺
所谓拥有店铺的先决条件是有10件以上的物品同时在出售 ...

Thank You! :em26: Do you what's the street price for the MT-42i engine? Yes, I know scams are rampant in Taobao, and I prefer to buy stuffs from brick and mortar store. I just want to get some opinion first on the product.

[ 本帖最后由 chantaiman51 于 2007-8-14 20:19 编辑 ]
作者: chantaiman51    时间: 2007-8-14 11:33
原帖由 bigcatdairy 于 2007-8-14 03:52 发表


Sigh, I really sorry for you....... BTW, I also speak fluent Cantonese. From the way you communicate with others, I could safely assume you come from a lower class family, low education background, limited income, very low self esteem, and having manual labor job.....
作者: king1982    时间: 2007-8-18 10:06
hi,chantaiman51 !  i agree with you!
when it comes to choosing  an engine for the World Models Zero GS,i thing Zenoah G38 is better.
作者: jslpop    时间: 2007-8-29 07:10
:em20: :em20: :em20: :em20: 汽油机

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