Everyone could make remote control aircraft by himself!
We dreamed about flying as children. Now we still cannot fly. But if you join our organization, you will get closer to your dream. We will teach you how to build a remote control aircraft. When you have lots of experience, you could also design it by yourself. At last, you can do many innovations on it such as put a camera on board, or drop some items from it like a bomber. We do this not only for fun but also learn a lot (such avionics hydromechanics sensor and mechanical engineering) from our project. What you have learned from your physics class will be practiced and your physics will be better at the same time.
1. Everyone can join our organization. It is free forever!
2. We provide you professional soft to design and simulate.
3. You need to buy some electronic product (such as blushes motor, electronic speed control, radio receiver, radio transmitter, servos and battery). We will give you the lowest price in the world.
4. You need self-confidence. Remember, Everyone can make this.作者: 切风40.83 时间: 2009-12-1 06:33
英语好的也帮我改改内容,本人英语就这水准。海报内容要尽量用少字表达多的意思。作者: wfl0571 时间: 2009-12-1 08:03
首先我精神上支持下,中美两国的人们是友好的:em24: :em24: :em24:作者: Sunbridge 时间: 2009-12-1 08:30
最后一条 你做个汇总帖 让他们看不就好了? 或者在youtube 看你的个人播客网页作者: aiwuliu 时间: 2009-12-1 08:30
:em24:作者: 飞越蓝天 时间: 2009-12-1 09:55
哈,中 国的终于可以在美国当大王了。作者: 飞I鹰 时间: 2009-12-3 13:55
美国有个全球首家航模飞行学校,上RCgroup可以找他们来帮忙做演示和宣传。作者: slbbs 时间: 2009-12-3 14:48
祖国不缺玩模型的夜猫子作者: 飞行机器 时间: 2009-12-3 16:32
精神上支持:em26:作者: xuesing 时间: 2009-12-6 14:35
建议你找个Local帮你改改海报内容, 粗读了一下, 感觉像是从中文硬翻译过去的, 看的一头雾水, 这样会影响到你吸收会员, 赫赫作者: Su-27 时间: 2009-12-6 15:07
帮不上忙 帮顶作者: 切风40.83 时间: 2009-12-8 03:44