Quick Model Options Select (Governor, Needle Control, Fuel Mixture)
7 Point Pitch Curve*
7 Point Throttle Curve*
Throttle Cut
Gyro Sensitivity*
Needle Control*
Swash to Throttle Mix*
Rudder to Throttle Mix*
Fuel Mixture*
Throttle Hold***
Swash Mix (Swash Rate/Calibration )***
Revolution Mix*
Governor (Three Rates)*
* Capable of a Maximum of 24 rates by 8 flight conditions and 3 switch positions
** Capable of a Maximum of 8 Rates by 8 Flight Conditions
*** Capable of a Maximum of 3 Rates Using 3-Swicth Positions
作者: 72mhz 时间: 2010-2-8 09:39
:em15: 显示屏很大很拉风,是我见过所有遥控器里显示屏最大最清晰的