'T8FG TEST(NORESET)' - Shows all service menus and allows making all the changes.
'T8FG TEST(LIMIT )' - Shows only a sub-set of service menus, with limited editing possibilities. E.g. Cannot change the product id, band, area...
'T8FG TEST(RESET )' - Hard reset of the TX. All memory is cleared, total power on time is reset, product id is cleared, stick calibration is reset...
'FX-20 TEST(RESET )' - I don't have FX-30, so I never tried it. Don't know what it does.
'T8FG TEST(NOEDIT )' - Shows all service menues, but prevents any changes. Includes an RF test screen.
'T8FG SCREEN SHOT ' - A screen shot of TX can be made with SW-H. Screen shots are stored on SD card and can be extracted with ffs.exe tool.
Tools to create futaba T8FG service activator SD card.
1. Make sure the SD card was proper formatted by T8FG trasmitter.
(No matter there is model data in it)
2. Insert card to SD card reader and run T8FGService.exe
3. Select the correct drive where your SD card is in.
4. Click ok and wait the procedure complete.
5. Eject the card and insert into T8FG
6. Powre on T8FG and the service menu appears automaticly.
7. When your want reuse the SD card in T8FG to store model data. Just delete TINYFS.IMG in card root directory or format the card in OS.
modify KEY.dat file to do other function. (Any string else to disable service function)
'T8FG TEST(NORESET)' - Shows all service menus and allows making all the changes.
'T8FG TEST(LIMIT )' - Shows only a sub-set of service menus, with limited editing possibilities. E.g. Cannot change the product id, band, area...
'T8FG TEST(RST SS )' - Don't Known SS stands for
'FX-20 TEST(RST SS )' - Do service FX-20, Don't know SS.
'T8FG TEST(RST PCM)' - Don't Known detail, maybe reset PCM module locate
'FX-20 TEST(RST PCM)' - Do service FX-20, Reset PCM Module.
'T8FG TEST(NOEDIT )' - Shows all service menues, but prevents any changes. Includes an RF test screen.
'T8FG TEST(TELEC )' - Don't known what's purpose
'T8FG SCREEN SHOT ' - A screen shot of TX can be made with SW-H. Screen shots are stored on SD card and can be extracted with ffs.exe tool.
'T8FG TEST SHOT ' - maybe simular to screen shot
This program can be used for T12FG too. Just use following code in KEY.dat instead.
'T12FG TEST(NORESET)' - Shows all service menus and allows making all the changes.
'T12FG TEST(LIMIT )' - Shows only a sub-set of service menus, with limited editing possibilities. E.g. Cannot change the product id, band, area...
'T12FG TEST(RESET )' - Hard reset of the TX. All memory is cleared, total power on time is reset, product id is cleared, stick calibration is reset...
'FX-30 TEST(RESET )' - I don't have FX-30, so I never tried it. Don't know what it does.
'T12FG TEST(NOEDIT )' - Shows all service menues, but prevents any changes. Includes an RF test screen.
'T12FG SCREEN SHOT ' - A screen shot of TX can be made with SW-H. Screen shots are stored on SD card and can be extracted with ffs.exe tool.