5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)
标题: 牛人做的V8发动机,好像已经量产了................ [打印本页]
作者: 茉莉素馨 时间: 2012-8-10 05:33
标题: 牛人做的V8发动机,好像已经量产了................
这是从youtube上下 载下来的视频,发在优酷上
原画版本的可以去youtube下 载:Conley Precision V8 Stinger 609
可以参考这个网站的介绍: http://www.tech-domain.com/thread-7395-1-1.html
[ 本帖最后由 茉莉素馨 于 2012-8-10 17:02 编辑 ]
作者: 茉莉素馨 时间: 2012-8-10 05:46
高清下 载地址
[ 本帖最后由 茉莉素馨 于 2012-8-10 15:29 编辑 ]
作者: yzwindos 时间: 2012-8-10 05:50
大制作。。。价格不菲。。。 学习了。。。顶一个。。。
[ 本帖最后由 yzwindos 于 2012-8-10 05:52 编辑 ]
作者: 舒克和贝塔 时间: 2012-8-10 06:44
作者: 275364872 时间: 2012-8-10 07:34
作者: esky 时间: 2012-8-10 07:35
作者: tingjie 时间: 2012-8-10 07:51
作者: 970244213 时间: 2012-8-10 08:28
标题: 不错
作者: 小龙虾王子 时间: 2012-8-10 08:36
作者: gaifeng640909 时间: 2012-8-10 08:55
标题: 回复 楼主 茉莉素馨 的帖子
作者: 姜鹰熊 时间: 2012-8-10 09:08
:em20: 个头看起来比那个12缸的还要大
作者: 圆圆方方 时间: 2012-8-10 09:20
作者: zzzx000321 时间: 2012-8-10 09:21
作者: 100001662 时间: 2012-8-10 09:26
作者: 最后的骑兵 时间: 2012-8-10 10:24
作者: Wisdon 时间: 2012-8-10 11:51
只能眼馋 ,作者真厉害
作者: 蕃茄 时间: 2012-8-10 12:32
作者: 五行烧友 时间: 2012-8-10 12:55
500 元以内买一台装在电瓶车上应该不错,油电混合车,:em15: :em15:
作者: yjyx 时间: 2012-8-10 13:10
作者: 317357596 时间: 2012-8-10 16:16
作者: 茉莉素馨 时间: 2012-8-10 16:40
Unfortunately, the 427 engine that many of you have been so familiar with, is no longer in production. Like the V-10, most of the molds for the 427 engine were destroyed in a catastrophic fire at the foundry.
Here is the latest in the Conley line of V-8 engines. It sports the Stinger 609 name badge (6.09 cubic inches or almost 100 cc) and is the culmination of almost 30 years of knowledge gained in the designing and construction of model engines.
The new Stinger possesses no parts used in prior V-8 engines.
The bore is 1.00, with a .970 stroke. It weighs about 11.25 pounds and measures approximately 14" long (from the front timing belt to the end of the transmission), 6" wide, and 8-1/4" tall. The supercharged version will be about 10" tall.
Among the numerous innovative features like large oval shaped intake ports, "D" shaped exhaust ports, and investment cast parts, two bold attributes stand tall: the dry sump pressurized oiling system and a full ignition system. The engine even has a user replaceable oil filter.
For those of you who lack familiarity with dry sump oiling, it simply means that oil resides in a holding tank, rather than a conventional oil pan, which circulates throughout the engine.
The oil that does collect in the pan is simply pumped back to the holding tank. I have incorporated what is call a "three stage" oil pump to move all the oil. One stage is used to feed oil to the engine, whereas, the other two stages are used to remove all the accumulated oil from the pan. This is particularly important for high acceleration, cornering, or boat applications. An important side note, my test engine held about 20 lbs oil pressure at idle and 60 lbs oil pressure at 9,000 rpm.
The dry sump oiling system not only adds more oil volume but aids in engine cooling and makes sure that there is plenty of oil during hard acceleration or sharp corners. The spark plugs have a 10-40 thread. As always, the new Stinger 609 V-8 will have an electric starter as standard equipment. No hand held electric motors here, or something that fits in a box below the engine, but rather a 12 volt electric motor that is an fundamental part of the engine. It can be activated manually or via the transmitter on your remote control. The centrifugal clutch is also included. The cost of the standard engine is $5,695.00 and will show off the standard “Zoomie” style exhaust. At the present time here is a list of the options:
Exhaust manifolds, cast in 303 stainless steel......................$ 279.00
Exhaust manifolds, cast in 303 stainless steel - polished ....$ 559.00
Painted Valve covers and intake manifold.............................$ 125.00
Supercharger installed and tested..........................................$1,695.00
High duration camshaft (installed at factory only)................$ 279.00
Transmission with forward-neutral-reverse available in near future.
Each engine will be fully tested and adjusted for optimum performance. I am expecting around 5.5 hp at 9,500 rpm for the normally aspirated version and about 9 hp for the supercharged version.
Prices start at
for the non supercharged version,
plus shipping and handling.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
作者: 瞎折腾 时间: 2012-8-10 17:14
原帖由 茉莉素馨 于 2012-8-10 05:33 发表 
这是从youtube上下 载下来的视频,发在优酷上
原画版本的可以去youtube下 载:Conley Precision V8 Stinger 609
视频不会发,还请围 ...
论坛有床的人再多 也不会有人触碰这东西
不说你制作出来的东西好坏 或者能不能用
就是你用成本价 开卖 都会被 喷死
作者: 行乞三年 时间: 2012-8-10 19:18
500块 买不来半个汽缸
作者: 无风不起浪 时间: 2012-8-11 00:16
:em15: 好大一张500块 不过就是500块一个 也大把人嫌贵
作者: 工人 时间: 2012-8-11 01:37
作者: bi7lci 时间: 2012-8-11 01:37
作者: 拆机王 时间: 2012-8-11 02:16
作者: sfj88713 时间: 2012-8-11 06:59
作者: POLOCAO 时间: 2012-8-11 09:06
作者: 陈正 时间: 2012-8-11 11:00
作者: 陈正 时间: 2012-8-11 11:01
在坐的大多是想用机弄钱 恐怕单纯折腾的没几个。 搞这个发动机不一定能搞出来。
作者: duanyz 时间: 2012-8-11 11:13
作者: 茉莉素馨 时间: 2012-8-11 13:22
标题: 回复 33楼 duanyz 的帖子
作者: laojiaozhu 时间: 2012-8-11 15:57
作者: 夜行侠 时间: 2012-8-11 17:34
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