
5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)
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发表于 2018-10-1 04:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
请教老司机spektrum dx6 g2和spektrum dx6 g3的区别?



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发表于 2018-10-5 15:47 | 只看该作者
DX6 (G1) - first 2.4gHz air radio, for park flying. Supported only DSM protocol.
DX7 (G1) - 7-channels, full-range transmitter, supported DSM and DSM2.
DX7SE - same body as DX7, modified for high-speed DSM2. Intended for heli pilots.
DX6i - 6 channels, full-range. Just discontinued about 2 years ago. Originally DSM and DSM2, later production was DSM2 and DSMX.

In 2008 we started development of our first all in-house system which was eventually released as the DX8 (G1). A little over a year later it hit the market. Originally DSM2, it quickly became DSM2 and DSMX.

The DX7S was developed based on the DX8.

Meanwhile, we started on a tray radio with a larger screen, using the G2 channel processor that had more capabilities. The new CP needed more RAM, ROM, and speed than the DX8 hardware could provide. Our main EE at the time, Jeff, and I worked on this together, eating lunch at Jimmy John's several days a week to make sure we got the schematic right not just for this radio, but as a platform for the future. We evidently did pretty good - all the radios since then share an extremely similar schematic.

This was released as the DX10t, even though it supported 18 channels. It was developed specifically for the German market. Before it was released we started on what was originally called the DX10, but it was driven by US software goals and differed from the DX10t in several areas. Released as the DX18, it was an extremely popular high-end radio.

The DX18QQ was an improved software version, adding some additional capabilities that Quique and I worked on together. It was pretty neat - the best pilot in the world (and a personal hero of mine) sitting in my office working to get things just the way he wanted. Anybody who has ever worked with QQ will tell you, his passion for excellence is unmatched!

The DX8 needed a follow-on using the G2CP, with extra hardware to provide sound and wireless training capabilities. This was the DX9. It's popularity created demand for the DX18G2. Based on intense customer requests after seeing the all-black prototypes, quickly spawned the DX18 Stealth - the same radio with a different finish. The popularity of the all-black finish was such that the DX9 Black Edition came out, and all radios since then have had the same extremely popular matte black.

The handheld radios all shared a common user interface file (we call it "the GUI file"), while the tray radios use another. Keeping the two GUI files synchronized was a real pain, and after several years of lobbying I was finally able to convince them that we needed a common GUI file. It made life simpler for everybody - the team I was on, the Product Support folks, and most importantly the customers. Now all the radios would be the same behavior for the same screens, and only the feature lists would differ.

Meanwhile, Jeff and I were working on what we called the "DX6S" - a modular system board that would allow us to build the features that marketing wanted as options. This first came out as the DX6G2, followed quickly by the DX7G2. These radios were intended as lower cost systems but were introduced as somewhat advanced, having both sound and wireless trainer modules installed. The lower cost meant that we had to give up some features, most notably 11ms operation in Europe and only a single antenna.

Meanwhile, we produced the DXe. This was a no-display radio, but used the core G2CP functions ported into a super-tiny micro. Intended as a single replacement for the DX4e and DX5e in RTF packages, it quickly changed into an open stock item that necessitated a programming app for Windows, Android, and IOS.

Well, users demanded 11ms operation and dual antennas on their LCD radios, so we re-released them with 2015 compliance using a different RF module that was able to provide them. The DX6G3 was born, and the DX7G2 was replaced with the DX8G2 at the same price.

Marketing still needed a less-expensive radio, which is where the DX6e came from. It also offered a newly patented gimbal design that can feel better and has the ability to be adjusted from the front, rather than the back. It's the same core design as the iX12 gimbals. The DX6e through DX8G2 use the same DX6S system board, helping to keep costs low and thus keep the volume high and happy customers.

Ever since the DX8 was originally designed in 2008, the plan was to work toward a 2-CPU system. We knew we didn't want to go the expensive Windows CE route that Futaba had used in their high-end radios. We knew it had to be touch-based, but after getting burned by the change to the Lightning connector it wasn't going to be Apple. Android was maturing to the point that it made sense, and Mike did some prototyping on some cheap Android tablets he got online and at Walmart. The rest is history.

The first radio to market with the Android platform was the DX6R. It, too, is based on the G2CP with major adaptations for surface use.

A couple years ago I started on my own personal surface radio (I race boats too) using the G2CP and GUI as the basis. It turned into the DX5R. And then that became the basis for the DX5C. Because they used different size LCDs it is necessary to use different GUI files for them, but this week I brought all the code for the radios back together so that maintenance going forward is greatly reduced. Yes, I'll need to maintain two GUIs, but it's way simpler now with all the code managed in one place.

You notice I used the word "meanwhile" several times. That's because we are constantly working on something new, even while something else is coming out. It's really exciting to be working at Horizon, with Spektrum in particular. I can't wait for you guys to see what's coming!

发表于 2018-10-5 15:51 | 只看该作者
G2 G3单片机是一样的,只是有没有横向天线以及是否支持11ms响应而已。
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-5 19:33 | 只看该作者
晴天曙光 发表于 2018-10-5 15:51
G2 G3单片机是一样的,只是有没有横向天线以及是否支持11ms响应而已。

发表于 2018-10-5 21:41 | 只看该作者

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-6 06:53 | 只看该作者
晴天曙光 发表于 2018-10-5 21:41

地平线dx6用起来怎么样呢?现在用的是futaba t10j,想换控,喜欢dx6,在纠结14sg和dx6
发表于 2018-10-6 14:51 | 只看该作者
jian273566 发表于 2018-10-6 06:53
地平线dx6用起来怎么样呢?现在用的是futaba t10j,想换控,喜欢dx6,在纠结14sg和dx6

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-6 17:28 | 只看该作者
晴天曙光 发表于 2018-10-6 14:51
不同系列,你还要换接收机系统,t10j已经有绝大多数功能了。我个人喜好spk的菜单,比较直观,futaba的比 ...

发表于 2018-10-6 23:30 | 只看该作者
jian273566 发表于 2018-10-6 17:28

群 302776417

 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-7 06:49 | 只看该作者
晴天曙光 发表于 2018-10-6 14:51
不同系列,你还要换接收机系统,t10j已经有绝大多数功能了。我个人喜好spk的菜单,比较直观,futaba的比 ...

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