
5iMX.com 我爱模型 玩家论坛 ——专业遥控模型和无人机玩家论坛(玩模型就上我爱模型,创始于2003年)


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发布时间: 2015-8-10 18:03


刚开始我用的manual手动模式  一切正常  翻滚掉高大概2米左右 如果油门控制的好 掉高更少(翻过来收油门 翻回去加油门) 周六看到一篇帖子介绍cruisecontrol模式  可以提供更好的 ...


zipray 发表于 2015-8-26 14:59
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 20:39
实话实说   现在CC3D的自稳飞行可以说刚入门

对于参数调整 PID  手动模式 等等 还是两眼一抹黑



oakli 发表于 2015-8-13 09:05
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 20:38
我是之前没惨炸过 太自信了  以为自己没乱改 就改了点“以为自己懂了”的 ...


深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 20:39
高鼻子 发表于 2015-8-12 14:54
我感觉楼主已经对CC3D很了解了, 多分享经验,谢谢

实话实说   现在CC3D的自稳飞行可以说刚入门

对于参数调整 PID  手动模式 等等 还是两眼一抹黑

慢慢摸索吧  有心得我会发帖的~

深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 20:38
oakli 发表于 2015-8-12 11:32
我想说谁见过战斗机做高机动动作训练时会把副油箱挂上,测试新的不熟悉的飞行模式就像练习翻滚,如果改动 ...

我是之前没惨炸过 太自信了  以为自己没乱改 就改了点“以为自己懂了”的东西 不会有事  


高鼻子 发表于 2015-8-12 14:54
我感觉楼主已经对CC3D很了解了, 多分享经验,谢谢
oakli 发表于 2015-8-12 11:32
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 18:04
需要视频的话  晚上回去上  用小蚁录的  模型小蚁都摔飞掉了


波里个波 发表于 2015-8-12 11:14
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 10:42
并不是控制不了 而是明显的前后摆动 点头那种  论坛里面见别的飞友用默认参数飞CC3D也出现这种问题  拍摄 ...

liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-12 10:54
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 10:42
并不是控制不了 而是明显的前后摆动 点头那种  论坛里面见别的飞友用默认参数飞CC3D也出现这种问题  拍摄 ...

liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-12 10:51
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 09:48
感谢  看来还得多做做功课  论坛也搜不到这个巡航控制油门的相关资料~


深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 10:42
波里个波 发表于 2015-8-12 10:34

并不是控制不了 而是明显的前后摆动 点头那种  论坛里面见别的飞友用默认参数飞CC3D也出现这种问题  拍摄的视频里面很明显

波里个波 发表于 2015-8-12 10:34
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 10:17


深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 10:17
波里个波 发表于 2015-8-12 10:13




一些基本的问题不搞明白  怕是换NAZE32也是一样抓瞎啊

波里个波 发表于 2015-8-12 10:13
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-12 09:48
liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 23:52

感谢  看来还得多做做功课  论坛也搜不到这个巡航控制油门的相关资料~

liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 23:52
本帖最后由 liujiang168 于 2015-8-11 00:11 编辑
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 23:10



深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 23:10
liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 22:40
这里所所的高度是指相对高度,必须通过控制油门大小来控制高度,与直机一个道理,而飞控参与控制能让你的 ...



liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 22:40
本帖最后由 liujiang168 于 2015-8-10 22:46 编辑
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 22:32
问题是CC3D如何稳定高度呢 它并没有高度计或气压计呀


深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 22:32
liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 22:07
这种模式就是在自稳或半自稳状态下飞控根据飞行姿态来参与油门控制以达到稳定高度目的,为多轴和部分机型 ...

问题是CC3D如何稳定高度呢 它并没有高度计或气压计呀
liujiang168 发表于 2015-8-10 22:07
深蓝冰刃 发表于 2015-8-10 20:38
请教这种模式的优点和适用场景是哪些呢?  百度实在找不到相关资料  按字面意思来看是巡航控制 也不知道 ...


wohedanxiao 发表于 2015-8-10 21:43
本帖最后由 wohedanxiao 于 2015-8-10 21:47 编辑

Warning:  This feature has only been finished for fixed pitch copters, and has only been tested on multi-copters.  It is not complete yet for collective pitch copters.
Cruise Control is a copter only feature that automatically adds power based on bank angle.  It adds just the right amount of power to avoid a change in altitude.  To use it you must check the checkboxes on the flight mode switch positions where you want it enabled.  You do this in the GCS on Configuration -> Input -> Flight Mode Switch Settings -> Cruise Control.  The defaults work well for multi-copters, but you can change the configuration in the GCS on Configuration -> Stabilization -> Misc -> Cruise Control.  There are 7 settings:
MaxPowerFactor: Really just a safety limit. 4.0 means it will not use more than 4 times the power the throttle stick is requesting.  If this number is very high, then beware if you hold your copter in your hand with the motors running slowly and you tip it to a 90 degree bank, it will go to full power.
PowerTrim: If you find that banging the stick around a lot makes the copter climb a bit, adjust this number down a little; and for loosing altitude, adjust it up a little.  Be aware that flying too aggressively for your copter's real power or for your configured MaxPowerFactor will cause it to loose a little altitude.
MaxAngle: This is the bank angle where CruiseControl goes into inverted / power disabled mode. The power for inverted mode is controlled by InvertedPowerSwitch.  If you want to zoom and do hard starts and braking, leave it a little over 90 degrees so that if you overbank, you will still have full boost available.  If you want to do flips you might set this to 90 degrees so the copter isn't pulling itself down when slightly inverted.
MinThrottle: Throttle stick below this disables Cruise Control. Also, by default Cruise Control forces the use of this value for throttle when the copter is inverted. For safety, never set this so low that the trimmed throttle stick cannot get below it.  Also leave it high enough so that the motors still have maneuvering power when you are inverted.
MaxThrottle: Multi-copters should probably use 90% to 95% to leave some headroom for stabilization. CP helis can set this to 100%.
InvertedPower: -1, 0, or 1. Cruise Control multiplies the throttle stick by this value if the bank angle is past MaxAngle. The default is 0 which says to turn the motors off (actually set them to MinThrottle) when inverted. 1 says to use the unboosted throttle stick value. -1 (DON'T USE, INCOMPLETE, UNTESTED, for use by CP helis using idle up) says to reverse the throttle stick when inverted.
NeutralThrust: Stick Percent where the copter neither lifts nor pushes down.  This needs to be 0 for all copters except CP helis that are using idle up.
Just like a hover, it will not hold altitude perfectly without a little adjustment now and then.
Cruise Control works well with Altitude Hold or Altitude Vario to reduce the amount of work the pilot has to do while just exploring around.  For zooming around and stunts, it works well with Rattitude or Attitude. Cruise control does NOT work in Rate or Acro+ mode.  It is designed to work with any flight mode.  Even autonomous flight modes could benefit from it's increased accuracy in altitude.  Beware that some autonomous modes may have their own version built in.  Altitude Hold / Vario no longer have their own version, so work best when paired with Cruise Control.
One trick with the MaxPowerFactor setting is to set it to 1.0 so you get no boost at all, just normal throttle.  Also set your MaxAngle to 90 and leave InvertedPower set to 0.  With this combination what you get is automatic throttle control for flips but no boost for bank angle.  It reduces the power to MinThrottle when inverted, but passes the throttle stick through unchanged when upright.  Leaving it at a normal level, like the default of 3.0 is a great compromise for most people though because you are using full stick = full power during flips anyway and it won't boost beyond full power.
Beware when doing multiple flips and relying on the auto motor cutoff when inverted:  ESC / motor combinations are all inherently slow, and the faster you flip, the more noticeable this is.  Although the controller tells the ESC to change to full power or zero power at your configured MaxAngle, it is some time after that that the ESC actually gets that done.  When flipping fast, this can be a large angle later, e.g. 90 degrees later than it should be.  Fast ESC's and slower rotation rates minimize this issue.  Be cautious and use 350 to 400 degrees per second with good altitude for your first automatic flips.


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