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问下大神们~ JR XG8 能用卫星接VBAR吗?

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发布时间: 2017-7-27 10:23


问下大神们~  JR XG8 能用卫星接VBAR吗? 我看VBAR 设置里有  这几个选项....  以前的卫星接收我看过视频 里面的可以接   但现在的DMSS制式的 不知道可以不 或者单买 ...


shagua918 发表于 2017-10-2 01:16
whm1275 发表于 2017-10-1 16:47
谢啦 兄弟 不过后来我一想 x3 还是接个大接收机信号好点……150倒是可以用用卫星……

150小鸡,用JR控  不接卫星 不行啊,
小鸡飞不远  妥妥的  


whm1275 发表于 2017-10-1 16:47
shagua918 发表于 2017-10-1 05:43
可以接卫星,接了之后最好单独供电!JR XG8只能Dmss !现学现卖,希望能帮到大家!

谢啦 兄弟 不过后来我一想 x3 还是接个大接收机信号好点……150倒是可以用用卫星……
shagua918 发表于 2017-10-1 05:43
可以接卫星,接了之后最好单独供电!JR XG8只能Dmss !现学现卖,希望能帮到大家!
ervev 发表于 2017-8-6 12:39
whm1275 发表于 2017-8-6 10:41
xg8 能接dsm2吗?  后来又想了一下……也就150级别小机可以用单卫星了  稍微大的机距离远了怕失控……所 ...


ayuhb 发表于 2017-8-6 12:10
ervev 发表于 2017-8-6 11:01


ervev 发表于 2017-8-6 11:01
whm1275 发表于 2017-8-6 10:41
xg8 能接dsm2吗?  后来又想了一下……也就150级别小机可以用单卫星了  稍微大的机距离远了怕失控……所 ...


ayuhb 发表于 2017-8-6 10:43
whm1275 发表于 2017-8-6 10:41
xg8 能接dsm2吗?  后来又想了一下……也就150级别小机可以用单卫星了  稍微大的机距离远了怕失控……所 ...

whm1275 发表于 2017-8-6 10:41
ervev 发表于 2017-8-6 10:25
电直的三轴陀螺VBar就可以直接接收DSM2信号,JR的可以接DSM2的卫星接收,最近我也在考虑问题,想把我的XG8 ...

xg8 能接dsm2吗?  后来又想了一下……也就150级别小机可以用单卫星了  稍微大的机距离远了怕失控……所以就没再想这个了
ervev 发表于 2017-8-6 10:25
邓祥霖 发表于 2017-7-27 16:18
大蔡的天空 发表于 2017-7-27 12:49
whm1275 发表于 2017-7-27 10:38
JR DMSS—important hints!
This issue should be solved by using the latest TX firmware from JR Website now.

If still using a old TX firmware follow the steps below.

During IRCHA 2012 we had several pilots out there with some Governor issues on electric helis. They all had in common:

all were using JR radios with DMSS
all recievers were connected to VBar with standard patch cables and configured as standard recievers in VBar.
the had unwanted motor shutdowns in flight, the pilot does not touch any switch
in the log is always a "governor off" and "governor on" (could be vice versa too) at the right time, possibly with a "signal out of range" too.
at the end some ESC could be damaged too
So ... we tested several things and it seems to be that the reciever gives a valid "motor off" signal (-100 % in VBar) to our RPM preset / AUX input channel. VBar turns the motor off, and in the same second we will get a "motor on" (valid RPM as set on TX form 0-100 %) again. The motor is electrically off but still turning, and the ESC now tries to commutate new for a start into the still-rotating motor and its magnetic fields ... and maybe damaged too.

After all it is definitely a issue with the JR radios and not a VBar issue. We talked to JR and showed them what happens here. They will surely work on it but it will take some time. We also don't know if other functions will be effected too. If the signals are in a valid range on each function we have no chance to notice this. Only the governor event log entries with the motor on/off pointed us to the right direction.

Anyway, we have a solution for the governor to avoid this motor shutdown in flight. We use the expert mode with bankswitch because a bankswitch waits a few milliseconds more for a constant bankswitch signal and a short wrong signal wont have such a effect like using the RPM preset from TX.

Click here for the Description how to do this

Have fun now! - Please check the log after some flights to be sure other channels don't have any signals out of their range. Whenever valid (but not caused from the Pilot) signals will be there we have no chance to make this visible.

有一篇 VBAR官方 说明接 JR DMSS 出了点问题的 文章。。。是不是可以说明 VBAR可以接 DMSS呢...问题是不知道接哪种卫星...

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