比亚乔~倒三轮摩托车很帅~! |
想法真好 |
本帖最后由 hzbunny 于 2020-12-22 11:46 编辑 为了赢得"施耐德杯水上飞机竞赛”意大利人异想天开地设计了比亚乔(Piaggio)Pc.7,这种飞机没有浮桶,它机身采用类似水翼艇的设计,可依靠机体自身的浮力漂浮在水面上。Pc.7机身中部装有一台1000马力的菲亚特AS-5型发动机,在起飞时,发动机首先通过离合器接到后部的轴上,驱动水中螺旋桨转动,飞机就好像摩托快艇一样在水面高速前进。由于机身下部安装有水翼,在高速滑行中,水翼会逐渐将机头上抬。一旦前部螺旋桨被抬升到离开水面足够的高度,就会展开,然后离合器自动切换,启动飞机首部的空气螺旋桨,这使飞机能继续加速飞离水面。理论上Pc.7可以抛开沉重的浮筒,提高飞行速度(这架飞机号称可以达到700公里/小时),但是由于设计过于前卫以及离合器设计的问题,从未离开过水面。 比亚乔作为著名的摩托车厂,至今已有130多年的历史了,至今依然在生产。而且还和国内的摩托车厂合资成立了“宗申•比亚乔摩托车公司” |
Piaggio-Pegna.JPG (77.5 KB, 下载次数: 47)
涨见识了,第一次见 |
本帖最后由 heyuyu 于 2020-12-22 11:19 编辑 机翼没漏,那是波纹蒙皮 意大利比亚乔的飞机 Sources differ on the P.7's engine; it is described both as an Isotta Fraschini Special V6 rated at 723 kW (983 PS; 970 hp) and as an Isotta Fraschini AS-5 of 745 kW (1,013 PS; 999 hp). The engine was connected both to a two-bladed automatic variable-pitch tractor propeller by a long metal shaft and by another shaft to a smaller marine propeller, similar to those used on motorboats, mounted beneath the aircraft's tail. To take off, the pilot would start the engine with the flight propeller feathered and the normal carburettor air intake closed and use a clutch to engage the tail propeller and get the aircraft moving through the water. The two hydrofoils, mounted beneath the fuselage on struts just forward of the wings similar to the way in which floats were mounted on floatplanes, would cause the P.7 to rise out of the water almost immediately. After the aircraft had risen on its hydrofoils and the flight propeller had cleared the water, the pilot would open the carburettor air intake, again employing the clutch to disengage the marine propeller, and use another clutch to engage the flight propeller, which automatically would switch from feathered to flight pitch. Driven by its flight propeller, the aircraft then would engage in a conventional takeoff, riding on its submerged hydrofoils until it reached takeoff speed. Without the aerodynamic drag induced by floats or the weight they added to the aircraft, Pegna projected that the P.7 would reach high speeds. Sources differ on the speeds he predicted, claiming both 580 km/h (360 mph) and 700 km/h (434.7 mph). Piaggio manufactured one P.7 and turned it over to the Italian Schneider Trophy racing team. Although some pilots refused to fly the aircraft, the Italian Schneider team's Tommaso dal Molin conducted some water tests on Lake Garda in northern Italy. The spray the hydroplanes generated made it difficult to see during takeoff, and persistent problems with both clutches ensued. The aircraft never became airborne. Not ready in time, the P.7 was excluded from the 1929 Schneider Trophy race, in which a Macchi M.52R and two Macchi M.67 seaplanes represented Italy. Piaggio and Pegna abandoned plans to build a second P.7.
这种适合搞涵道动力 |
夸张的漫画,不必当真 |
机身是浮筒。搜图片发现,尾部还有一个水中用螺旋桨,推测是用离合器切换。 |