Drone use is allowed in Philippines, but there are several Philippinesdrone laws that need to be followed when flying in the country. Operators mustensure that they follow the following laws when flying in Philippines, - You cannot fly within 30 meters of a person who is not associated with operation of the drone
- You cannot fly higher than 400 feet (122 meters)
- You must fly during daylight hours and only fly in good weather conditions
- You must not fly within 10km of an airport or in areas were aircraft are operating
- You may not fly your drone over populated areas
- Respect others privacy when flying your drone
- You must obtain a UAV Controller Certificate of Authorization prior to operation. This can be obtained by contacting the Philippines aviation authority. Contact information is posted at the bottom of this page.
不得在距离非操作者30米以内操作 不得在122米以上飞行 必须在白天及良好天气状况下飞行 不得在距离机场或有飞机运行10公里范围内飞行 不得在人口密集区域飞行 尊重他人的隐私权 如果是(超过7 公斤)大无人机,需取得无人机操作证书
而按照今年一月提交的法案(house bill 4726)所有无人机(不区分商用/个人娱乐)都需要注册,违反者第一次处罚10万比索,第二次20万,第三次30万外加一至六个月入狱