给你复制一段 Google 的结果:
The common sense of lipo voltage as below:
A fully charged lipo voltage is 4.2V per cell (HV lipo can be charged to 4.35V).
A lipo cell battery should never be discharged below 3.0V.
The proper lipo storage voltage is 3.8V per cell.
A lipo cell nominal voltage is 3.7V.
即单芯充到 4.2V 算充满,你这个是两芯串联(2S)就是 8.4V 算充满。
长期不用(存储)就要充电或者放电到 3.8V/芯,2S 就是 7.6V。
说是永远不要放电到 3.0V/芯以下,但我们实际都舍不得让它低于 3.7V/芯的。