Turbomeca Astazou
A conventional engine in an usual application! The Turbomeca Astazou is a single shaft gas turbine employed as a helicopter engine. The engine is started without the load of the rotor system and then takes up the drive via a special clutch. Most helicopters are fitted with a twin or even three shaft (RR Gem) gas turbine engines, as the engine starts the drive is taken up gradually via free power-turbine. The Astazou is a high performance, responsive unit and is fitted to the Aerospacial Gazelle military helicopter. A few other variants may be found fitted to other helicopters and there is also a turbo-prop version. Turbomeca also developed a prototype Turbo-Fan variant but this did not go in to production.
An easy to operate engine as it has only one spool and a hydro-mechanical fuel control system. Nice but noisy unit when operated close up.
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