Checking gyro directions:
检查 陀螺仪 方向
-Take off the propellers.
-Turn on transmitter and flight controller.
-Set throttle to about 1/4. Motors should start.
油门设置在1/4 , 电机并启动
-Tilt quad forward. Forward motor should speed up. If not, reverse pitch gyro.
向前倾斜多轴飞行器, 前置 电机 会加速, 不然, Pitc陀螺仪需要反向
-Tilt quad to the left. Left motor should speed up. If not, reverse roll gyro.
向左倾斜多轴飞行器, 左置 电机会加速, 不然, Roll tly需要反向
-turn quad CW. ront and back motor should speed up. If not, reverse yaw gyro.
顺时针旋转多轴飞行器, 前置和后置电机会加速, 不然, Yaw陀螺仪需要反向
1: Set roll gain pot to zero.
2: Turn on flight controller.
3: LED flashes rapidly 10 times.
4: Move the stick for the gyro you want to reverse.
调整你想 反向陀螺仪的 操纵杆
5: LED will blink continually.
6: Turn off flight controller.
7: If there is more gyros to be reversed, goto step 2, else set roll gain pot back.
如果有其他陀螺仪需要方向, 重复第二步骤, 不要忘了把 Roll 电位器 复位
Final check:
Hold the quad firmly over our head, give about 1/2 throttle slowly. Hold it steady when you start increasing the throttle, becouse it calibrates its gyros when throttle leaves zero, and then the gyros need to be at rest.
把四轴飞行器举过头顶, 缓缓推1/2 油门, 在推油门的同时保持稳定, 因为油门在最低的时候, 飞行器在校准它的陀螺仪, 然后陀螺仪会有一个回复过程
If it tries to twist away, check propeller and motor directions, gyro placement and trim settings. A slight twist is OK.
如果飞行器尝试摇摆, 检查螺旋桨和电机 旋转方向, 陀螺仪位置 和 遥控器微调
飞行器轻微的晃动 不是问题
If not, try to twist the quad. It should resist your movements. And also more gain gives more resistance. If it starts to oscillate, reduce the gain.
如果不行的话, 轻微晃动飞行器, 飞行器应该会朝着你运动的方向 反向运行 ,
如果飞行器开始摆动, 减小电位器的阻值
If you need to reduce the gain below 40%, something might be wrong.
如果你持续调整电位器阻值直至低于40% , 可能有些设置有问题
Note: the correct procedure for taking off from the ground is as following:
1: The quad and its propellers needs to be motionless.
2: Increase the throttle (collective). Just as the throttle leaves zero, gyro calibration is performed.
缓慢增加油门, 仅仅让油门离开最低位, 陀螺仪开始工作
3: Enjoy! And remember to close the throttle if you lose control. Much less damage.
Do not use bigger propellers than you need. Light propellers gives faster response and more stability.
不要使用过大的螺旋桨, 轻巧的螺旋桨有更好的反应速度和稳定能力
Try to get it to hover at about midstick (1/3 to 2/3 throttle). Use smaller/bigger propeller, different motor Kv or more/less cells to achieve that.
尽量把油门保持在1/3和2/3的地方, 不同的螺旋桨, 不同KV值电机 和电池会有不同的设定值 |