Under the Hood
The cars are offered on six frequencies (27Mhz, 35Mhz, 40Mhz, 45Mhz, 49Mhz, and 57Mhz), but what is available in your area depends on what country you live in. Here in the USA the only legal frequencies that can be used are 27Mhz and 49Mhz. I have seen some street corner vendors selling 35Mhz and 40Mhz models too. But these are illegal to use in North America, so you might want to stay away from them if that is where you are located.
在神秘的中国,您可能买到 27Mhz, 35Mhz, 40Mhz, 45Mhz, 49Mhz及 57Mhz 几种频率的遥控小车。
如果在美国,你只能玩儿 27Mhz 与 49Mhz 两种频率的小车,否则违法。
Also, many of the transmitters used with the cheap clones (Tomy knock-off's) are missing the expected FCC conformance labeling. So they are technically illegal to operate in the USA. RF power is a few scant milliwatts, so the radio equipment appears pretty harmless to me. Besides, we will be hacking the transmitter, so any regulatory approvals will be lost anyway.
许多小车,没有 FCC 的许可证。不过,这个跟我们无关。
The transmitted signal is RF and uses a serial encoded OOK AM transmission scheme. The receiver could easily be disturbed by a signal that is on a nearby frequency. For example, CB radios can affect the 27Mhz models and older cordless phones can interfere with the 49Mhz versions.
注意遥控器可能受到外界干扰,27Mhz 与 49Mhz 易受干扰。
You will recognize interference by the loss of motor power and steering. Due to the RF encoding method, typical R/C glitches will rarely be seen (if ever). Signal loss will cause the car's motor to turn off. 干扰会使控制不正常或者电动工作不正常,在信号弱时,电机停转。(在测试中,的确是这样,超出遥控距离电动就停转了,这样飞丢的可能性就小了。)
The transmitters are crystal controlled, but that is of little consequence. The receivers are clever single chip Super-Regen designs with high sensitivity, but they are not at all selective.
It isn't possible to use more than one of these models at the same time if they are on the same RF band (i.e., two 27Mhz transmitters cannot operate together). Simply put, to race someone else you need to make sure the other car is on another RF band. Range is under 25 feet, so another race can occur if it is several yards away.
The radio system used with these little cars utilize the "TX2/RX2" IC chip set developed by RealTek's Actions Division. The TX2 is the transmitter encoder and the RX2 is the receiver/decoder. There is another chip set made by Shenzhen State Micro that is nearly an exact copy of RealTek's chips. They are marked as "SM6136" (encoder) and "SM6135" (receiver/decoder).
遥控芯片多采用 TX2/RX2, TX2是发射机编码的,RX2是接收机解码的。有仿制品SM6136(发射)与SM6135(接收)。
The TX2 transmitter/encoder and RX2 receiver/decoder chips have gone through three revisions. The latest Rev-C (TX2C/RC2C) offers a PWM based two-speed motor control, called the "Turbo" mode. When utilized, the forward motor speed can be reduced by half. As of Dec 2002, none of the clone cars seem to have this feature. However, Tomy is selling turbo button equipped cars as BitChar-G "Booster Machines."
TX2/RX2 芯片有3个版本,最后一个版本 TX2C/RX2C 具有一个“加速”功能。可以使向前时电机转速减半。
There is a small chance that your clone car's radio has the Rev-C chip set in it. If so, then hacking into this feature would be easy. Permanently ground pin 9 on the RX2 chip. Now when you switch TX2's Forward pin to ground the motor speed will be slow (50% duty @ 50Hz). Switching the "Turbo" pin to ground will give full motor voltage. This is a nifty hack.
To further save costs, the receiver 's RX2 IC is often found in "COB" (chip on board) format. This will look like a blob of black epoxy rather than your typical IC. Some of the cars are using the standard 16 pin DIP style IC package, just like Grandpa used to make. Both are electrically the same, but the blob style COB packaging saves weight (good info for you indoor micro airplane e-flyers). The DIP package is best for special hacking.
为减少成本与重量,许多RX2芯片采用 COB方式封装(如果看上去是一坨黑色的橡皮)。
The COB receiver weighs about 2.1 grams. The DIP version is about 2.8 grams. These weights vary with the different brands, so don't go taking these numbers to the bank.
COB的接收机大约 2.1克,DIP(看上去是集成块的样子)的约 2.9 克。
[ 本帖最后由 VFoxPro 于 2006-3-1 08:37 编辑 ] |