![点击查看详情](http://www.5imx.com/data/attachment/common/cf/193624exuwpbrs0wrywjpb.jpg) 大家好,今年开始入手lisa/M 2.0,前期调试很顺利,现在调试GPS时遇到了点问题,想向坛里面的大大们求教。
我买的GPS是ublox neo-6m天线一体化模块,按照LEA-5H做的相应调整
1. Right Click on the NMEA Text on top of the tree and choose disable child messages2. Choose UBX->CFG->NAV5(Navigation 5) - set it to use Airborne 8 <4G. This tells the Kalman filter to expect significant changes in direction. Note that this setting is only good for faster moving airplanes. For a fixed position hovering heli, 'pedestrian' setting is better3. UBX->CFG->PRT - set USART1 to 38400bps (must match the value in your Airframe file)4. Change the baudrate of U-Center to 38400bps if the connection is lost at this point5. UBX->CFG->RATE(Rates) - change the Measurement Period to 250ms This gives a 4 Hz position update since 4 x 250ms is one second.6. UBX->CFG->SBAS : Disable (SBAS appears to cause occasional severe altitude calcuation errors)7. UBX->NAV (not UBX->CFG->NAV): double click on POSLLH, SOL, STATUS, SVINFO, VELNED. They should change from grey to black8. UBX->CFG->CFG : save current config, click "send" in the lower left corner to permanently save these settings to the receiver
<subsystem name="gps" type="ublox"> <configure name="GPS_BAUD" value="B38400"/> <configure name="GPS_PORT" value="UART3"/> <configure name="GPS_LED" value="3"/>
再问一个事情UBLOX 6m没有存储芯片,按照Papaprazzi官方把它调整成UBX输出模式保存后,把GPS芯片断电后,下次启动GPS模块输出还是UBX模式吗?UBLOX的存储芯片时做什么用的?
[ 本帖最后由 myasusa8 于 2012-7-1 13:54 编辑 ] |