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发表于 2007-3-22 11:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


[ 本帖最后由 osliu 于 2007-3-22 12:00 编辑 ]


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发表于 2007-3-22 11:21 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-3-22 11:45 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 12:15 | 只看该作者
T1 ,T2 初级绕8圈  次级两组也是各8圈

IC1。。。IC4 图上型号TC4420,可能使用中发热厉害,可换为TC4421s。

Modus Operandi:
Low voltage power supply, colored red in the schematic:
120Vrms is applied to the primary winding of transformer T1, and is stepped down to approximately 12Vrms with 1.5A of continuous current handling capability. The raw AC output of T1 is then rectified by bridge rectifier BR1, and filtered by capacitor C1. C1 is 6 individual 470uF 35WVDC capacitors in parallel for a final value of around 3000uF. The raw DC from C1 is then applied to regulator IC1, whose output provides precise voltage regulation for the control circuitry. The output voltage of U1 is adjustable from ~ 1.5V to 18V by potentiometer R1.
Control electronics, colored blue in the schematic:
A 494 type controller IC is the heart of the control electronics. This integrated circuit has several useful features, namely built-in UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out) and duty cycle control which greatly simplifies circuit design. For this circuit, the TL494 is set up as a simple oscillator that puts out a square wave, variable in frequency from 5kHz to 120kHz, with pulse width variable in duty cycle from 10% to 90%.
Clean power from the logic supply is applied to pins 11,12, and 8, and if the voltage is greater than ~7.0V the chip will power up. The output frequency is adjustable with potentiometer R6, and the output duty cycle is adjustable with R4. Capacitors C3, 4, and 5 are for local decoupling and smoothing. All components associated with U2 must be physically located within a couple of inches of the IC.
The square wave output of U2 is applied to the inputs of gate drive IC's U3 and U4, which provide buffering and current drive capability. U3 is an inverting type, when it's input is HIGH its output is LO. U4 is a noninverting type, when its input is HI its output is HI. These two IC's drive the primary of isolation transformer T2 through DC blocking capacitors C9 and C10, which are necessary to prevent current spikes arising from the magnetization of T3's core. The primary side voltage is magnetically coupled to each of four secondary windings, which drive a specific power MOSFET in the power electronics section. Further information on transformer T2 can be found in the last section of this webpage.
Power Electronics Power Supply, colored purple:
120VAC is applied to a voltage doubler circuit consisting of bridge rectifier BR2, C15, and C16. C15 and 16 are also used as filter capacitors. The output is taken at the negative side of C16, and the positive side of C15. The
Power Electronics, colored green:
An H-bridge topology was chosen for its ability to handle many kilowatts of conversion power. The main power devices are Q1 - 4, and are N-channel enhancement-mode MOSFET transistors, used as high speed electronic switches in this application. The MOSFET's in the bridge switch in a diagonal fashion, with Q1 turning on at the same time as Q2. At the next switching transiion, Q1 and Q2 will switch OFF as Q3 and Q4 switch ON. To make things easier to understand, imagine that time is frozen and MOSFET Q1 and Q2 are ON. As you visualize this with the schematic, you can see that there is a current path from GND, through Q2, through the primary of T3, through Q1, and finally to positive 350VDC. Now, we will step forward in time to the next switching transition, where Q1 and 2 are OFF, while Q3 and 4 are ON. Now you can see, that a different current path is formed from GND, through Q4, through the primary coil of T3 (other direction this time!), through Q4, and finally up to +350VDC.
Now all you must do is realize that 60,000 switching transitions take place every second!
With every transition, current is forced into the primary of output transformer T3. As this happens, the current is coupled into T3's secondary winding, and stepped up many times its original value. T3 is a current step-up, voltage step-down transformer. There are many hundreds of amps flowing in the secondary, and because the work coil is in series with the secondary, it means that many hundreds of amps are flowing through it too.
Extreme AC currents in the work coil produce a powerful AC magnetic field around it. This field couples into nearby conductors via induction (transformer action), and if the field is strong enough it will induce hundreds of amps into the conductor itself. If the conductor is not a perfect conductor (i.e. if it has resistance), heat will be generated...and the stronger the field, the more heat!
So to wrap it up, induction heaters heat inductively.
So far I have been very pleased with the performance. The waveforms all look good, there are no signs of instability, and wow will it get things hot quick. It will raise a 3" length of 5/16" diameter drill bit from 60F (cold water) to 1500F in 7 seconds at 550 watts. The waveform in the above picture is the primary coil, notice the ringing from resonance in the output transformer. The lower two pictures show the 5/16" bit in the work coil, which is 6 turns of #8 stranded. It cherries after a little while but stays mechanically solid.

[ 本帖最后由 osliu 于 2007-3-22 15:30 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-22 12:52 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 14:40 | 只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 osliu 于 2007-3-22 15:02 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-22 14:58 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 15:19 | 只看该作者

老美用110v  我国用220v  只要输出15v直流就行 注意变压器输出交流是12v且保证不低于1.5A  通过R1可调控输出 范围1.5~18v

TL494 是个脉冲发生IC。组件提供频率为5kHz ~120kHz,脉宽10% ~ 90%的脉冲信号  频率由R6调节 方波占空比由R4调节 脉冲方波信号经U3、U4(线放IC)放大提供给隔离变压器T2的初级触发信号 T2另4个次级提供4个MOSFET 功率管以触发能量 C9和C10能防止T3回扰电压毛刺

紫色模块-系统供电组件  给功率部分供电
背了! 老米的110v民用在此电路能出350v直流,但220v按此电路会提供双倍直流电压700v!你说不背吗?
但原理图给细致了不至于背得太远 能输出350v直流就行。这里大大狎们要闯关了!把桥的下端(同零线)和两电容相接的那根废了如何?电容要改吗?咋改?改啥?斟酌

绿色模块-输出电源组件 给工件加热线路
4块MOSFET构建桥式能量开关电路 强大数kw能量由此轮流供应转换电感T3  以对角方式同时作用于功率变压器T3   每个MOSFET提供给T3初级线圈最高+350v直流电压   在MOSFET轮流开关作用下60k的交变电场在T3次级与工作线圈L1回路中产生数百安的强电流

通过试验  对一3英寸长、直径5/16英寸的钻头加热 在550w功率下 经7秒 其温度由60F升到1500F(狗日的用F ,不懂换算) 工作线圈L1缠绕6圈。

T2   T3 的参数  老外没有大公无私!基本原理有了 剩下的就是用料等  工业上像L1这玩意儿应是紫铜管“包”循环水 可用空调管代替

[ 本帖最后由 osliu 于 2007-3-23 05:48 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 17:05 | 只看该作者
日!鬼佬没给T3的参数  懂行大侠 应知用什么材料作铁心 初级用了普通绿电线 次级用了镀?金属编织带且每匝隔离绝缘
发表于 2007-3-22 17:07 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 17:15 | 只看该作者
T3 细致照
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-22 17:30 | 只看该作者

*对小金属件热处理  特点干净 可在饭桌上边吃饭边处理
*熔炼金 银 铝及合金 青铜 黄铜 锌合金 高频下很多金属都可以

当使用矸埚等玩意儿 必然可把家 教室 商铺当车间 炼丹。。。。。

发表于 2007-3-22 18:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-3-22 18:22 | 只看该作者

PS. this guy is crazy, have a look at what he was doing ...

[ 本帖最后由 presto 于 2007-3-22 18:34 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-3-22 19:56 | 只看该作者
哪个功率电源是倍压整流 220V用全波整流就可以了
发表于 2007-3-22 20:34 | 只看该作者
:em19: 用了多少钱?
发表于 2007-3-22 23:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-3-23 00:06 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 06:40 | 只看该作者
次级匝数显然才2匝  根据原文 它是铜镀锡编织线

根据实物图  环状的应该是T2  
由首帖估计 初级是8匝  4个次级也是8匝 采用普通电线绕制

所有零件最贵的应该是4只IRFT460   其次是变压器 TC4429

疑问在于 T2 和T3全部工作在5kh~100kh的次高频状态 应选择什么铁(磁)芯、环
特别是T3  满足其物理需要就要考虑其用料  根据视图它似乎是4只电视机的高压包铁芯叠出的

讨论 讨论吧


熔炼金属的各种炉具 它们的效益在能源紧张 污染严重的今天 特别需要重新考虑 就电热效率而言
电阻炉 小于 50% --是否夸大结果请呼应并拍砖!
感应炉 近 90%   --就电磁炉高于85%宣传就知  感应炉加密封后效率必近90%
微波炉 近 90%   --国内尚无DIY实验 果真成功 岂不有现成的东西 那就‘太有才了!’
等离子炉 不详    --那是科学家们玩的东西

煤炉  效率低于30%  但特方便 炉底吹风便可炼丹 因煤价以及住楼习惯它快不着调了 我仍爱它

焦炭炉 效率和温度略高于煤炉 煤价升 焦炭必升!比煤炉干净多了 住楼人可搬上家里操作

液化及管道气炉 效率低于50%温度太低 气公司可能为安全起见 混合什么东西 让它加热温度不超过千摄氏度 最大不妙是:熔炼炉头(E文burner)用什么 效率和安全咋样?

丙烷气炉 效率低于50% 特点温度高 炉具资料E文网上随处可见 但购买气体在我国大成问题!!


[ 本帖最后由 osliu 于 2007-3-23 06:42 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-23 07:08 | 只看该作者
回13帖  当热量积累足够(加热时间延长而已),保温措施得当(包于矸埚而非棉被),坚物可融!

回14帖  你的图简直棒极了  妙极了  可惜这火炉子最高350V   成不了100000v以上高压的大气候  当你家34寸大彩电高压包出现特别特殊意外时 可能会遇见这钟情况  拉弧最多长0.05M  这时人类必须小心 其他周边零件是否挂了!:em15:
对于5kh~100kH的交变磁场 若能量足够--磁场密度极高 当金属物质进入 会有电子涡流  集肤效应等磁电现象产生。对一手指而言 若套戒指(非玉) 戒指周边会发生现象叫做热传递!请小心保护戒指!  若不套戒指 手指安然
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