Harbor Freight sells two electric free flight models. They are often on sale for only $7. I chose the SkyRunner Free Fly (#43678) model since it had a 23" wingspan. I must admit that it is hard to beat an ARF electric model deal that is under ten bucks. In retrospect, I should have bought two -- one to hack and one to fly as-is.
My biggest concern was with the provided motor. Mine was very "gritty" and drew about 3.4A at 1.1V (simulated single NiCD cell). With the stock prop I measured 0.50 ounces of static thrust. I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about using the motor, so I decided to splurge and use a Mabuchi FF-N20PN surplus motor. These cost about one dollar and can be purchased from e-flight hobby suppliers as well as from surplus electronic stores such as All Electronics and B.G. Micro.
打算采用比130小巧的 N20 电机。(此电机在启迪taobao店上看到有。没问过价,估计在10元以内。)
The SkyRunner props are decent but I mounted a GWS 3020 direct drive prop on the N20.
使用 N20 直驱 3020 桨。
Static thrust was measured at 0.60 ounces at 4.4V, 1.2A.
4.4V 下 1.2A 电流。(按10C计算,至少要120mAh电池,所以作者开始选用的150mAh电池)
The Skyrunner prop was very close at 0.52 ounces. I was surprised to find that the total power for the crummy stock motor was less than the N20 (~3 watts vs. ~4 watts). Despite its lower electrical efficiency, I installed the Mabuchi motor to help reduce weight (the stock motor is heavy).
使用 N20 电机可以减轻重量。
I initially experienced range problems whenever the N20 motor was running. I had soldered a 0.047uF ceramic cap (with short leads) directly across the motor's two power terminals, but obviously more EMI/RFI suppression was needed. Adding a 0.1uF ceramic cap from each motor terminal, to the motor's case, eliminated the interference.
The stock Skyrunner weighs 1.9 ounces. As far as successful flight goes, the name of the game is weight. EVERYTHING matters, even the type of glue you use.
I figured that in order to fly well with the given meager thrust, the model needed to weigh no more than about 2.2 ounces. Note: Mine came in at that weight with a 4-cell 150mAH NiMH pack. A 120mAH NiCD pack put it at 2.5 ounces.
Thankfully the model had all sorts of heavy parts to toss out. For one, the battery charging assemble is very heavy, so it was the first thing to go.
I also used a lightweight carbon fiber rod in place of the heavy wood dowel boom.
The twin vertical stabs were reduced to a single stab/rudder design and the plastic reinforcements were eliminated.
Basically, I tossed all the sandbags off the ol' hot air balloon. The only glue I used was PVA (Elmers) and CA (No-fume, styro safe).
The Harbor Freight SkyRunner kit is simple to hack. I think the pictures speak for themselves.
1) The Free Fly SkyRunner is available at http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi ... f?itemnumber=43678.
2) Here is what is found in the box. Included is a few spare parts and PVA glue.
3) An X-Acto knife is used to cut out the battery assembly and motor. These two hefty parts weigh 23 grams.
4) The heavy wood boom was replaced with a 0.060" Carbon Fiber rod. It is stronger and the lower weight helps balance the heavier tail.
5) The custom wound actuator coil is mounted on the vertical stab. Hinges are 5mil mylar. The big rudder is from a styrofoam egg carton (sanded down). Total tail weight is 3.3 grams (Vert/Horz stabs, coil, and rudder).
6) The Rare Earth magnet is mounted to the rudder using a piece of 22 AWG copper wire. I used a 1/8" diameter Radio Shack magnet (#64-1895), but the one installed in the car would work fine too.
7) The rudder coil magnet wire follows the boom to the Rx. I used a connector at the Rx end to allow easy replacement.
8) The 25" antenna is made with 40 AWG wire. It is taped to the underside of the wing. The CG location is shown here too.
接收机天线可以粘在机翼下方, 重心在50%位置左右。
9) The receiver has plenty of room inside the fuselage. It gets shoved further back and is allowed to "float" inside.
10) The 4-cell 150mAH NiCD pack fits like a glove. The battery cover is made from styrofoam egg carton material.
Flights of Fancy
This project started in October 2002 and had stalled early on due to the poor motor thrust.
With the GWS prop I can get airborne, but it is underpowered. My longest flight to date is under thirty seconds.
With a good hand toss the SkyRunner starts off fine, but slowly loses altitude and calmly glides to a landing.
Turns are wide and easy going -- no issues there. Radio range is decent enough for use in a small park.
I do realize that if I used a Li-Poly cell I could save a few grams of weight and perhaps make this a much better e-flyer.
Or, pylon mount a geared motor and swing a bigger prop.
But my goal of hacking a micro-sized car to use its miniature electronics in a cheap airplane was fully realized.
For me, successful electronic hacking was the goal -- a good flying model would have just been extra icing on the cake.
Hopefully these notes will help you achieve your micro flight dreams too. Good luck to you!
Update: March 20, 2003
2003/3/20 更新
I made some changes to the model and now it flies like a champ.
To reduce weight I replaced the heavy battery pack with a single LiPo (Lithium Polymer) cell. These are nominally 3.7VDC and weigh only 12 grams.
首先,使用了锂聚电池。(xy95.com 网站上的参考:120mAH 3.3克/240mAH 4.6克/300mAH 7.3克)
I also replaced the heavy single coil actuator with two smaller ones that have more power. Using 42 AWG magnet wire, I custom wound them to 45 ohms each and cross-phase wired them {in parallel} to the receiver's H-bridge "motor" driver. I could have used the stock low ohm coils from the car, wired in series, but it was easy to wind new ones.
The cross-phased wiring is a nifty trick. At left or right rudder activation, one coil pushes the magnet while the other pulls it. Working together, they ensure reliable rudder throw. I also used the rare earth magnet from the car's steering system since it was a bit more powerful than the tiny ones from Radio Shack.
Top view of the new rudder Actuator
Side view of the new rudder Actuator
With these minor changes I was able to achieve 1.9 ounces AUW, which is exactly what the model weighed right out of the box! The model is a slow gentle fellow in the air and turns are wide and graceful.
It can quickly gain altitude if it meets a thermal, so now my main fear is that I will lose it to one.
I can proudly say that the conversion was a success. I hope yours is too.
可以认为改造是成功的,希望您也能成功。 |