What is thedifference between Min_Check Min_command and Min_throttle and stick inputs ?
FromMasterZap min_checkhas nothing to do with ESC's .... min_commandis the value sent when disarmed (or when armed and motor stop is on, i.e. whenwe want the motors not to spin). min_throttle is the value sent when armed(with motor stop off) min_checkis about stick command and only matters towards your actual throttle stick. Ithas no effect on what is sent to the ESC. Themisunderstanding of this comes from the fact that your throttle stick doesn'teven begin "working" until you are above min_check. People tryexplaining this with sentences like "the FC will map min_check tomin_throttle", which while true, makes people believe there is thisrelation. There is no relation. All that is being said is "the flightcontroller only cares about the range above min_check up to full throttle, andwill remap that range into the 0%-100% input to the flight controller, whichthen outputs whatever it wants to the motors" From waltr In general(all channels) min_check & max_check are only for Stick commands. then ONLYon throttle channel min_check is used in the code for Arming and PID controllerdepending on other settings (pid_at_min_throttle, AirMode, etc). mid_rc (Note:this is incorrectly label throttle middle in the CF config GUI) is telling theFC what your Stick Center value is, typically 1500 but may be 1520 on someradios. mid_rc is NOT used on throttle channel. Thedefault max_throttle of 1850 comes from MultiWii and is a SAFE max value forALL ESCs.
Min_check、min_command、min_throttle和遥杆输入的区别是什么? (为了方便阅读,我把min_check翻译成“最低检查点”,min_command是“最小输出值”,min_throttle是“最低启动值”) MasterZap大神的回答: 最低检查点对电调没有任何影响….. 最小输出值是:上锁时,或解锁了但是启用了motor_stop功能,输出给电调的信号。最低启动值是解锁并且没开motor_stop时给电调的信号。 最低检查点只用于判断油门杆的指令,它不影响对电调的输出。 这个误解来源于在最低检查点以下时,油门杆似乎不起作用。许多人说是“飞控会把最低检查点的信号值输出给电调”,搞得很多人都这么认为。实际上这两个值并没有关系。真实的情况是,只有油门输入值在最低检查点到满油之间,才会给电调输出转动的信号,并且油门杆量和马达输出从1%到100%一一对应。 Waltr大神的回答: 总的来说,(所有通道的)最低检查点和最高检查点只是判断遥杆的指令。只有在油门通道上,最低检查点才和上锁解锁有关。PID和其他设置有关(pid_at_min_throttle、airmode那些)。mid_rc(并不是油门中点),是各通道的中值,也就是遥杆中立点,一般是1500,有些控是1520。它不适用于油门通道。 默认的最高油门输出1850是从multiwii飞控那里搬来的,对电调也比较安全。
译者注: 可以这么理解:解锁之后:油门杆最低→油门值低于min_check→飞控给电调的信号是min_command,即最低输出,这时候马达不转→推油门杆→油门值高于min_check→飞控给电调的信号是min_throttle,即最低油门值,马达转动。 最低检查点min_check可以设得比油门杆最低时飞控收到的信号略高,这样只要推油门就可以启动马达,而不要推一定距离才能启动。比如,油门杆最低,看到的信号值是1000,那么min_check就设成1010。具体方法:cli中输入set min_check=1010。