# ESC 电调校准
## 电调校准一定要在FC解锁后才能进行
1. 遥控器上电。
2. 把电调的电源线拔下,电调信号线插在S1或S2。
3. FC上电后,切换飞行模式到“手动”模式。
4. 解锁FC。
5. 遥控器油门推到最高。
6. 接上电调电源线,等马达发出一串各种声音后,遥控器油门拉到最低。
7. 再等几秒,等马达发出一串各种声音后完成校准。此时油门应该能正常控制马达。
The steps for calibration are:
start with the autopilot powered, but with the ESC unpowered and propeller removed.
switch to MANUAL flight mode.
disable the safety switch (if fitted).
arm the airplane.
move the throttle stick on your transmitter to maximum add power to the ESC
At this stage the ESC/motor should beep to indicate that it is in ESC calibration mode. Typically it will be 2 or 3 quick beeps, but the motor won’t turn.
now lower the throttle stick rapidly to zero
the ESC should beep to indicate it has accepted the new calibration range
now slowly raise the throttle and check that the motor responds correctly
## Alternative ESC Calibration
If the typical ESC calibration method above doesn’t work, instead adjust the SERVOx_MIN and SERVOx_MAX values on the appropriate servo channel (SERVOx) you had set as the Throttle channel in ref:servo setup <servo-functions> to match the existing range of your ESC.
To use this method slowly raise the SERVOx_MIN value until it is set to a value just below the point that the motor comes on. A value about 20 PWM points below the point where the motor starts turning is usually a good choice.
Next move the transmitter stick to full throttle and adjust SERVOx_MAX until maximum RPM is reached. You can use a tachometer, or just use the sound of the motor as a guide.