Futaba has acknowledged that there is a problem but the way it's being handled varies dramatically from one country to another.
Futaba已经知道了自己的产品缺 陷,但是在处理手段上在各个国家是戏剧性的不同。
It seems that the GUID (a magic number that uniquely identifies each transmitter) programmed into the 6EX, 7C and TM7 FASST modules was either shipped with a zero value or is able to be accidentally zero'd in the field.
6EX, 7C 和TM7的扩频发射模块的 GUID(区别发射器的唯一识别码)要么出出厂的时候就设置成了0,要么是在使用的时候变成0。(也就是说接收可能认不出来哪个控是自己的,你分明关掉了油门结果你的飞机被别人的控接管了,螺旋桨在你面前转起来。 你的控电池出了点问题或者遇到干扰,短暂掉线,结果你的直升机没进入失控保护而是被边上一个飞固定翼的控接管了,后果可想而知)。