本帖最后由 NeoLu 于 2013-4-15 22:17 编辑
TauLabs 飞控第一次试飞
code :
System information and components: - STM32F405 168mhz 32bit arm cortex-m4 cpu with fpu, 192k ram and 1024k flash
- invensense MPU6000 3-axis accel and 3-axis gyro sensor
- honeywell HMC5883L 3-axis compass
- meas-spec MS5611 high precision barometer
- 32mbit spi flash memory
- up to 8 x pwm input, 1 x ppm input, up to 16 x pwm output
- up to 5 x uart, 2 x i2c, sbus, dsmx, mini usb, swd
- 50x50mm board size, 45x45mm mikrokopter style mounting