上海小葛 发表于 2013-2-27 09:19
这么个圆鼓隆咚的球要想用气吹得转起来很难的吧,圆度太高了,趋于平衡了,要它悬浮自转起来是比较困难的, ...
Solution: A gas management system was designed specifically for spinning up the GP-B gyroscopes. It uses more than two dozen valves and numerous levels of redundancy to send ultra-pure helium gas into the chamber at 725 sccm (standard cubic centimeters per minute). Result: The gyroscopes spin up to full speed, greater than 3,500 rpm, in less than three hours. 用了超过24个阀门用于吹超高纯氦气,加速到全速也要不到3个小时 角加速度只有约0.034rad/(s^2), 确实很难转起来,不过转起来以后就不用也不能吹了。达到转速以后把氦气转化成超流态,就变成无摩擦的介质了,表面又是超导体,没有涡流损耗,仅有的耗散来自检测和球体内部静电分布细微不均产生的极小偶极矩。